The prostitutes from Romania have invaded by much time the Schengen area. These hot whores bring in Romania hundreds of millions of euro, money from illegal prostitution. The most corrupt country from Europe, Romania, can be only the first exporter of illegal prostitution. Hot romanian women in schengen area means hot body for prostitution. Many women in Romania are the employee of the month during the day but and at the same time are the cheapest women, are the whores of the bosses. Romania is the first exporter of prostitution in Europe. Why? Security and intelligence services from Romania, the police and the intelligence agencies are totally corrupt services. A truth that nobody knows or is less known in the west, is the fact that the romanian media is totally controlled by the security services through agents infiltrated in leadership positions.
Romanian girls are beautiful, they have hot pictures on social sites but are educated by parents in the sense "need to have sex with many men at the same time for multiple benefits". Romanian women are cheapest women due to the education on which they received. Why has Romania got such a bad public image? A woman from Romania thinks like this: "incendiary pictures on facebook and sex with many men, this is the solution, because I'm a poor girl". In Southeastern Europe exist a certain type of education, wrong education. Romania is a plant which produces whores, produces cheap women.
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